About This Lesson

Integer volutpat, massa non iaculis vehicula, leo dolor lobortis lorem, ut molestie mauris lacus congue augue. Ut blandit ac nulla sed maximus. Nunc sodales odio sed vehicula aliquam. Nunc ut condimentum tortor.

Mauris vel orci ut lorem rutrum hendrerit vel ac urna. Integer quam ante, maximus ac magna et, pellentesque efficitur mauris. Sed placerat augue orci, a pellentesque eros gravida ut. Nunc lobortis lorem sit amet.

The Instructor

leroy headshot
Leroy Brown

Leroy is the fastest of all of the Innervate team but he is not the trainer to approach for advice about nutrition: he will encourage you to eat everything you can sniff, find or forage.

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Monday 9AM - 10AM
Tuesday 10AM - 11AM
Friday 1PM - 2PM